Every School's mission is to provide a safe, tranquil and a secure environment to all students. One major challenge residential schools face is figuring out what must be done to ensure the students' safety while they are being chaperoned by the school and after the freshly issued guidelines by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) for safe reopening, educational institutions across India are looking for breakthrough solutions to resolve their health.
For Day Schools
Residential Schools
Crowd Management
Cashless Payments
Yes. If you want you can use this card as a cash less payment system card. For this there will be a separate Point of Sale Application
Yes. If student can touch this card to reader it can be used as an attendance card. By using combi card i.e. Smart card along with UHF card attendance can be punched automatically by installing gate readers at gate.
By using combi card and placing readers at various location of school a kid can be traced easily.