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    Smart Card

    Software / Hardware Solution

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    Web Design

    Get Attractive and Responsive

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    Readymade Software


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    Software / Hardware Solution

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    Hardware and Software

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    Responsive Website

    Designing and Development

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    Hardware and Solutions

Software Development and Customization

Custom software (also known as bespoke software or tailor-made software) is software that is specially developed for some specific organization.

Custom software development dne by BSD Infotech is always rated as high standard development by our clients becuase We only do customization when we have domain expertise to that particular domain and our job is just to make sure that it should work as per our clients preferences and expectations.


Our software designs include detailed use cases, easy to understand wireframes and user interface prototypes, complete database models, and implementation / test plans. Our database development projects typically include a data model, data dictionary, database normalization, and embedded stored procedures / triggers for maximum custom software performance.

We have readymade applications in the area of Billing, Club Software, Inventory Software, Ecommerce Websites, CRM, Smart Card Solutions, Travel Solution, We do customization to these applications to make sure that it must fit to our client processes.

Since its inception in 2005, BSD Infotech has designed and developed lots of custom software applications for its Clients in various Industries. We specialize in the design and development of efficient, cost effective custom business software solutions that will improve the operating performance of your company and, if your looking for an Internet presence, our custom eCommerce Software solutions can put your business on the world wide web. Let us show you how our custom programming and custom software development services can benefit your company.

We do customization in the area of

  • Customized Web Development
  • Customized Database Application / Web Application Development

Plase fill the form below or call our sales team at

9312289566 / 8588827540

For Sales Call : 09312289566 / 08588827540